~ Accompanied by two prayer facilitators and a priest and with a small group of others who also grieve an abortion, we will bring our sorrow and grief into the healing light of Christ.
~ The day begins at 8:00 AM with a light breakfast and also includes a full lunch and late afternoon snacks, ending at 6:00 PM with Mass.
~ Our team priest will participate in scriptural exercises and lead us in prayer, and will also offer the sacramental healing grace of reconciliation and the Mass.
~ There will be time set aside for prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a special meditation to memorialize the children lost to abortion.
Our facilitators will serve as your prayer partners and our priest will offer his pastoral support as they lead you in meditation and prayer during your retreat day. They are not licensed counselors. We recommend that each retreatant considers also receiving individual professional counseling to help you fully explore the emotional and psychological impact of abortion.